Ela, one of our Museum supporters recently told us that ‘if we understand the past we can better understand the present and can better care for the future’.

January 27th marked the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camps. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust promote and support Holocaust Memorial Day – the day of international remembrance.
Chard Museum are paying our tribute to the 6 million Jews who were killed in World War 2. We are also remembering those directly impacted in many, many other war areas. These include more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
Diane Baxter will lead us on a thought provoking talk using extracts from her father’s video testimony Diane was born in 1958 and describes herself as the daughter of a Holocaust Survivor. Her experience is second generation and taken from her discussions with her father and Richard’s participation in the Steven Spielberg Shoah Foundation Video Project. This was established with the profits from the film, Schindler’s List. It recorded survivor testimonies.

Diane will talk about issues such as Life in Germany when Hitler came to power, the impact on young people’s lives and what they witnessed, Kindertransport and the decision by the British Government at the time to rescue 10,000 children
Her father, Richard fled to England from Germany in 1938 on the first Kindertransport. Apart from his brother, one aunt and one cousin (who survived Auschwitz) the whole of Richard’s family were killed by the Nazis. Diane’s grandparents were shot on their way to Riga Concentration Camp.
This thought-provoking discussion will be told through Richard’s eyes and even though it is second hand it will raise many questions that have emerged and continue to emerge about events in the world today.
This talk will take place on Tuesday 4th February in the Café area of Chard Guildhall. Doors open at 19:15 with Diane’s talk starting at 19:30. Tickets are £5.00 with Museum Members at £2.50. Tickets are available at the door.
