become a MEmBEr
Friends of Chard Museum was established in 2001. The aim was to create a lively interest group with a passion for collecting and archiving local history for future generations. There are now over 140 members. In July 2020 theTrustees agreed to change the name Friend to Member. This decision was taken to comply with the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status of the Museum.
Many Members provide support through practical help, fundraising and promoting interest in the Museum. The Museum would not survive without the much needed and ongoing support of the ‘friends, both in time and financially.
The benefits of becoming a Member include:
No-Cost Admission to the Museum until December 2021
Monthly electronic Newsletter
Access to the Museum archives
One no-cost attendance at a Chard History Group meeting
Discount on Museum Shop purchases
Updates on Museum events
Vote at the Annual General Meeting
Invitation to the Annual Friend’s Get Together
Annual Subscription - Minimum Donation - £10.00 / person; £20.00 / couple
Complete the Online Members Form and then go the Shop to make a payment
Or you can download the Members Application Form and return it to
Chard Museum, Godworthy House, High Street, Chard, Somerset TA20 1QB
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