One result of the pandemic is that Museum has made only minor tweaks to its displays since closing in 2019. We are starting to plan for 2022. we will be opening our Multi Media Exhibit and adding more interactive screens around the Museum. In addition we are looking at rejuvenating the 'church' area and also the exhibit on shirt and collar making. Please do share your ideas with us.
In the Cider Room there are two murals while a third is in storage. These murals were painted by students at Holyrood Community School, now Holyrood Academy. Maurice Hicks was the Headteacher at that time, Eric Short the Art teacher who both did so much work to encourage the students to create these.
They were seven students involved. These were Sophie Beecroft, Amy Foreman, Ian Hare, Marie-Claire Hudson, Leanne Smith, Ollie Stevens and Mai-Kay Wan. We are keen to see if we can track them down and learn more about them and whether they continued to develop and use their artistic skills. If anyone can help please email our Collections and Visitor Experience Group at: