I heard, with regret, from Maggie Carter, that Roger has not been well and is now in hospital. (not Covid-19 related). In these unusual times, the newspapers are publishing names of local heroes who are helping the Chard community. My hero has, however, been helping the Chard community for years; quietly, professionally and unassumingly. Roger Carter was, until recently, the Curator of Chard Museum. He has been promoted to President. This was in recognition of a lifetime of work, spreading the word about the Museum and promoting its reputation world-wide.
I felt honoured when Roger asked me to help with the research work-load. My knowledge could never compete with his all-encompassing historical breadth and I have felt privileged to work alongside him. Unfortunately, the Museum has only one file of the previous research enquiries done by Roger and the late, great Len Hoskins. In that file there is an amazing range of answers to random questions from the public. Roger is my oracle, he has been unfailingly patient and polite about my ignorance; he always uplifts me and makes me think that I knew the answer anyway. Thank you Roger, get well soon.
PICTURE: Roger, enjoying a break in the Museum he dedicates much of his work to promoting and sharing